Quality control worker analyzes equipment

Harnessing Technology for a Humane and Sustainable Livestock Industry

Emerging technologies are revolutionizing the livestock industry, enabling producers to create more humane supply chains and higher quality products. Let’s explore five key advancements that are transforming the way animals are raised, transported, and processed, ultimately benefiting both the animals and consumers.

  1. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF)

    Precision livestock farming (PLF) uses technology to monitor and optimize animal welfare, health, and productivity. Sensors, cameras, and algorithms analyze data on factors such as feed intake, temperature, and animal behavior, allowing producers to make informed decisions and improve the living conditions for livestock (Wathes et al. 2008). PLF technologies can help reduce stress, prevent illness, and ensure animals are treated humanely throughout their lives.

  2. Animal Welfare Monitoring Systems

    Innovative monitoring systems designed specifically for animal welfare assessment are gaining traction in the livestock industry. These protocols evaluate the well-being of animals on farms, during transport, and at slaughterhouses, helping producers identify areas for improvement and ensure that livestock is treated humanely at every stage of the supply chain.

  3. Alternative Feed Ingredients

    Emerging feed technologies are enabling livestock producers to develop more sustainable and efficient feed strategies. For instance, insect-based feed, produced from the larvae of the black soldier fly, offers a sustainable alternative to traditional feed ingredients like soybean meal and fishmeal (van Huis et al. 2013). Insect-based feed has been shown to support animal health and welfare while reducing the environmental impact of livestock production.

  4. Controlled Atmosphere Stunning (CAS)

    Controlled atmosphere stunning (CAS) is an emerging technology that improves animal welfare during slaughter. CAS uses a mixture of gases, such as carbon dioxide and argon, to render animals unconscious before slaughter, reducing stress and pain (Raj and O’Callaghan 2004). The adoption of CAS has been shown to result in higher meat quality, as well as improved worker safety and efficiency in slaughterhouses.

  5. Blockchain Technology in the Supply Chain

    Blockchain technology can enhance transparency and traceability in the livestock supply chain, ensuring humane treatment and high-quality products. By providing a secure and tamper-proof digital record of every transaction, blockchain enables consumers to trace the origins of their meat and verify that it has been produced ethically and sustainably (Kamilaris et al. 2019).

In conclusion, the adoption of emerging technologies is paving the way for a more humane and sustainable livestock industry. By leveraging innovations in precision farming, welfare monitoring, alternative feed ingredients, stunning methods, and blockchain, producers can create supply chains that prioritize animal welfare while delivering higher quality products to consumers.


Wathes, C.M., et al. “Animal-based Measures for the Assessment of Welfare State of Dairy Cattle, Pigs and Laying Hens: Consensus of Expert Opinion.” Animal 2.2 (2008): 230-243.

van Huis, A., et al. “Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (2013).

Raj, A.B.M., and M. O’Callaghan. “Humane Slaughter of Poultry: The Case Against the Use of Electrical Stunning.” Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 7.3 (2004): 141-156.

Kamilaris, A., et al. “The Rise of Blockchain Technology in Agriculture and Food Supply Chains.” Trends in Food Science & Technology 91 (2019): 640-652.